IDA releases Sample EI COVID-19 protocols; IDA Tele-information Survey deadline June 10
CA Budget ACTION June 12

ACTION Needed:
Tele-information Survey: Due June 10th
Data on the use of tele-information is needed from Early Intervention families and EI providers to share with policy makers.  
There is a lot of conversation whether the use of tele-information will continue as a tool for Early Intervention services. Please share the attached survey (Spanish and English) for parents to share their feedback.
The other link is for EI providers to share their feedback.

Thank you for your effort in collecting this necessary data.

Early Intervention COVID-19 protocol examples:
The Infant Development Association offers the following COVID-19 Protocol examples as a starting point for all EI programs working towards returning to in-person visits. They can be found on the Policy page under COVID-19 Resources Tab, These examples may or may not apply to your specific situation. Every program is encouraged to review these documents and incorporate changes necessary to comply with your local Department of Health rules and your governing Regional Center requirements.
We hope you find these examples helpful as early intervention service delivery continues to shift and change. We’d love to hear from you - please feel free to share feedback as well as other examples of your own forms or handouts.
Infant Development Association of California, Policy Committee [email protected]
Sample COVID-19 Protocols for Early Intervention:

  • Brief Symptom Questionnaire
  • Cleaning & Disinfecting
  • Handout for Parents – English & Spanish
  • Pre-session Health Assessment Form - English & Spanish
  • Home Visitation Guidance in Response to COVID
  • In-Person Readiness Checklist for Families -English & Spanish
  • COVID-19 Employee Screening Procedures
  • Waiver for In-Person Visits
  • Sample Training for Direct Service EI Staff

June 24th - 12-1:00PM LAST EVENT in series - The IDA Policy Committee Extends a Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons
The Infant Development Association Policy Committee extends an invitation for an important discussion around Early Start services in this almost post COVID world.

If the following questions have kept you up at night, you must attend this event!

More Information - June 24 | Register Today
CA Budget Updates:
Take ACTION Now before June 11th: Contact Governor Newsom to support the Legislature's Budget Plan - Click here You can add to the Governor's letter these additional EI points:Fund PPE Materials for Early Intervention programs to continue operating safely with an unvaccinated population and Fund Tech libraries for families to access tech equipment.

Federal Funds-DDS
The CA Department of Developmental Services is looking to submit for June 12th a $5.2B spending plan, Home & Community Based Services- HCBS
These funds are part of the state's monies from the American rescue Plan Act.There is little funding for proposals that directly impact Early Intervention.There was a stakeholders session Friday, June 4.
There are good things in the proposal just not directed to Early Intervention -ex.No media campaign for Child Find - Early Start, Support for Tele-information training or library of tech-equipment, etc. Here is CHHS California's Comeback Plan

CA Budget items related to Early Intervention:
2021-22, incrementally implement the 2019 Rate Study models for each service code for which a rate increase is still outstanding to meet the requirements of the study and provide a 2.5 percent increase for those rate codes that would not receive it under this phased-in implementation. Funding to support this effort is included at $217 million General Fund in 2021-22, $494 million General Fund in 2022- 23, and $847 million General Fund in 2023-24 and on-going. This includes placeholder trailer bill language to support these changes.
$3 million General Fund in 2021-22 and support codification of critical directives for Regional Centers that were borne out of the COVID-19 pandemic and that are being elevated as access-enabling services that support best practice and equity toward better outcomes for persons served and their families. These include regional center approvals of health and safety waivers, remote services and virtual meetings, and remote Early Start services at the request of the family.

$23.8 million ongoing General Fund to provide children aging out of Early Start provisional Lanterman service eligibility up to age five.
Funding to, starting in 2021-22, incrementally implement the 2019 Rate Study models for each service code for which a rate increase is still outstanding to meet the requirements of the study and provide a 2.5 percent increase for those rate codes that would not receive it under this phased-in implementation. Funding to support this effort is included at $217 million General Fund in 2021-22, $494 million General Fund in 2022- 23, and $847 million General Fund in 2023-24 and on-going. This includes placeholder trailer bill language to support these changes.
Eliminates the suspension of the Provider Supplemental Rate Increase . Lifts the implementation of the Uniform Holiday Schedule resulting in a cost of $173.7 million General Fund in 2022-23 and $309.6 million ongoing General Fund.

Special education: The Legislature’s plan would add $885 million in ongoing funding for special education — double what Newsom proposes. It would also add more money to address learning loss among students with disabilities during the pandemic- $260M in Early Intervention grants:$500M in one time federal funds to assist students to catch up developmentally and academically;$20M in one time funds for inclusion efforts.

IDA Temperature Survey - Check out results of EI staff survey on concerns returning face to face. Survey Results