Trainings & Conferences

IDA Members receive discounts to attend all of our trainings and conferences!
One of the goals of IDA is to provide educational opportunities for your professional and personal development. IDA provides a variety of training formats: workshops, professional networking gatherings, webinars, and multi-day conferences.

Check the site frequently as new events are planned within each of our chapters and committees.

Past Events

A Holistic Family-Centered Approach to Feeding 

Babies Brains on Books Versus Screens

Being a Welcome Guest in Prismatic Homes: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ and Other Marginalized Families

Best Practices in Serving Toddlers in Dual Language

Bridging Divides with Empathy: A Webinar on Understanding and Inclusion

Building Relationships With Your Elected Official

Can We Coach? Yes We Can!

Caregiver Coaching and Routines Based Intervention

Chaos and Instability in the Lives of Children

Coach2CoachCoach2CoachReflection and Connection

Coaching Families Raising Young Children With Signs of Autism: Naturalistic Approaches

Cortical Visual Impairment and Routines-Based Strategies

Creating Adaptations: Increasing Access and Participation in Everyday Activities  for Young Children

Current Research and Clinical Insights about Autism in Girls

Culturally Responsive Coaching in Early Intervention

Cultural Competencies: Considering the Sibling Experience in Supporting Families of Children with Disabilities

Early Intervention, Advocacy and the California Budget May Revise (2022)

Early Intervention, Advocacy and the California Budget May Revise (2023)

Ensuring the Development of a Complete Visual System

Emergent Literacy, It's Never Too Early To Start: Meaningful Ideas for Children with Multi-sensory Needs

Emergent Feeding Strategies: Equity in Feeding Approaches for Early Intervention

Elevating Our Client Services Through Inter-Professional Collaborations (CAAEYC | IDA | OTAC)

Evidence-based Intervention Practices for Young Children

Eye Learn: Early Intervention For Children Who Are Visually Impaired

Executive Function: What is it, Why Does it Matter and What Early Intervention Providers Can do to Help

Family-Centered Approach for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Considerations for Early Intervention

Family Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Guided Practice and Caregiver Practice

Family Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Information Sharing

Family Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Observation

Family Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Problem Solving

Going Deeper on Coaching and Routines Based Practices With Stacey Landberg

Growing Development through Relationships: An Introduction to the DIR-FCD Model

Guidelines for Safe Early Intervention: Supporting Families and Providers During Face-to-face Services

Hope and Healing

How Department of Developmental Services Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Could Impact Your Program Rates

How to Manage the Intensity of Early Intervention Work

How Trauma Affects the Developing Brain

I have to go outside? Sensory Processing

IDA 7th Annual Policy 2022 Update

IDA 8th Annual Policy 2023 Update

IDA 9th Annual Policy 2024 Update

IDA Policy Series

Impact of Poverty on Brain Development

Implementing Neurodiversity-Affirming Care for the 0-3 Population ~ 2 Day Event

Intro Sensory Processing Part 1

Intro Sensory Processing Part 2

Leadership and Advocacy Training for E.I. Professionals and Parents

Leadership Conversation Series

Managing Stress and Building Resilience in Challenging Times

Mom, Interrupted: Evaluating and Supporting Postpartum Trauma and Mood Disruption

Neuroaffirming Services & Parent Coaching for the EI Population

Now What? Reviewing Current Public Health Guidelines for Early Care

Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

Pediatric Sleep Intervention for 0-3 


Policy 2021 Update

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for EI Providers 

Public Health Guidelines 

Ready for Re-Entry?

Reframing Our Words: Having Challenging Conversations With Respect

Responding Rather than Reacting: A Body-Mind-Emotion Approach for Helping  Professionals to Increase Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation

Saturday Morning Listen

Serving From the Heart: A Look Into Native Teachings Connected to Self Care and Humility

Set the Stage for Collaborative Coaching

Setting the STAGE for Feeding and Nutrition

Sleep Considerations for Children with Autism

Sleep Intervention: Advanced Information

Special Event | Post Covid World

Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and other Interested Persons

Strengthening Self-Awareness and Self-Care to Reduce Burnout in Times of Stress

Summer Book Club

Summer Gathering on a Saturday Afternoon in Sebastopol

Supporting Neurodiversity Through Relationship Building in Families' Everyday Moments

Supporting Parents who are Supporting a Toddler’s Behavior

Supporting Relationships in Early Intervention Using an Infant Mental Health Model

Supporting Young Children with Feeding Challenges: A Case Based Approach

Tele-Intervention: A Conversation About Current Trends, Research and Strategies

Tele-Intervention: Current Trends and Research and Some Views From the Field

The Importance of Parent/Child Attachment in the Latino Community

The Intersection Between Early Intervention and Early Childhood Mental Health Practice

The Prism of Reflection—Facilitating Reflective Practices in Early Childhood Work

Tips for Supporting Yourself, Your Program and the Families You Serve

Trauma Crossroads: Where Trauma and Disability Meet in Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families

Trauma-Informed Practice: Perspectives for Early Intervention

Vivian Weinstein Event 2021

Vivian Weinstein Event 2022

Vivian Weinstein Event 2023

Upcoming Events