Public Policy/Advocacy
The IDA Policy Committee keeps the organization and its members informed on issues of public policy and acts as a clearing house for policy issues related to infants, toddlers and their families, as well as early intervention providers and programs.
If you are interested in joining the IDA Policy work please contact us at [email protected]
CA. Early Intervention Pieces of Importance
Rates for January 2023 - as part of Rate Implementation - Click Here
Quality Incentive program:
- Enclosure B FINAL - 1st Phase (ca.gov) Survey reimbursement access
- Quality Incentive Program (QIP) - CA Department of Developmental Services
- Access to Early Start Services for Children and Families PDF
- Early Intervention programs will have this for their desired outcome and an additional step to receive a 10% rate. The desired outcome is that children and families receive timely access to Early Start services.
- Questions: [email protected]
- Check out DDS- Task Force Work Groups – click HERE
ACTION on Federal & California Bills
Updates, Directives, and Announcements
Legislation ACTION: Federal: Right IDEA Act - H.R. 65321/S.3544 - Congress has introduced a bill designed to address the significant gap in federal funding for IDEA Part C and the 619 Preschool Grant Program by creating a 5-year glide path of increases in the authorization levels of these two programs. The bill would support millions of children and their families on the path to independence. Urge your Member of Congress to co-sponsor HERE
Update CA Budget - Governor Newsom signs CA Budget
June 30, Governor Newsom signed a $308 billion plan into law. Some of the highlights include cost of living relief, fuel refunds, investment in K-12 education, pay down state debt and plastic recycling, etc.
Other Trailer Bills SB188 click here Developmental Services
May Revise-CA Budget Released: New Direction for Early Start Eligibility
Friday saw Governor Newsom release his May revision of the CA Budget. CLICK HERE The $300.6B budget contains lots of proposals. One for the Department of Developmental Services is EARLY START: ($6.5 million state general fund) to expand eligibility for early intervention services including: lowering the eligibility threshold for developmental delay from 33 percent to 25 percent; separating communication delays into two distinct categories (expressive and/or receptive language); and identifying Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as a risk factor for developmental delays.
Assorted Actions Steps for Early Start: DDS Surveys, Updated Directives, Alerts
Department of Developmental Services releases updates on Directives: Check out extension of assorted Early Start Directives CLICK HERE They cover: Early Start transition to Special Education-7/5/22 ext.; Family Fees-7/4/22 ext.; Virtual services, etc. Early Start Providers (805) asked to participate in the Direct Service Provider Survey. Due June 30th, 2022. "Beginning in May 2022, California will collect data from agencies employing Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) to collect information about factors impacting the workforce. The DSP workforce is experiencing challenges such as high turnover and vacancy rates, which can affect the lives of individuals needing support. Stakeholders have expressed support for learning more about the employment of DSPs to inform policy changes, design recruitment and retention efforts, and examine the impact of rate increases over time. The data collection effort will establish baseline information from which DDS, agencies, and stakeholders may assess challenges, evaluate the impact of existing initiatives and shape future policies to improve workforce stability. Additional information can be found HERE: