Infant Development Association of California
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Early Intervention, Advocacy and the California Budget May Revise
Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PST
Category: Events

WordleEarly Intervention, Advocacy and the California Budget May Revise

with Teresa Anderson

Tuesday May 17, 2022
12:00pm-1:30pm (PST) | Virtual Event

  • Participants will learn how the CA Budget supports Early Intervention Services, Legislation related to ECE, Rate Adjustment process and Early Childhood Department focus
  • Participants will learn how to participate in the CA legislative process
  • Participants will learn about constituent involvement in the CA Budget process   

Teresa AndersonTeresa Anderson is the Public Policy Director for The Arc and United Cerebral Palsy California Collaboration. Over the last 15 years and prior to becoming the Public Policy Director, Teresa worked on a variety of special projects for The Arc of California including; staffing the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Statewide Taskforce and Prevention Committee for the Board of Directors, research on poverty issues among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), increasing advocacy and awareness of sexual assault and abuse of people with IDD, health advocacy and criminal justice issues. Read more here

Are you registered to vote in the upcoming June 7th Primary elections?

Have you checked out the Early Intervention rates on the DDS website? Regional Centers have received the April rates for programs and are in the process of connecting with programs to give them the rates. Have you heard yet?

Check out:  Voter Registration | California Secretary of State and register by May 23.

Can't attend the event live?
Register to receive access to the recording!
Nonmember: $35
IDA Agency/Individual Member: FREE (you must register)
IDA Parent/Student/New Clinician Member: FREE
(you must register)
ADA Request by May 3.

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