Infant Development Association of California
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The Prism of Reflection—Facilitating Reflective Practices in Early Childhood Work
Thursday, July 13, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Category: Events

Moon Lake ReflectionThe Prism of Reflection—Facilitating Reflective Practices in Early Childhood Work

Dana Cox, RN, MA (Early Childhood Special Education), endorsed in California as a Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist (0-5), and Reflective Practice Mentor
Thursday, July 13, 2023 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm (PDT)
Virtual Event

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This workshop will support the development of your reflective practice “toolkit” by looking at the range of ways reflection can occur, and how self-awareness and inquiry play a role in fostering reflection.

We will explore how these practices can be used as a collaborative tool for facilitating both individual and group coaching, consultation, team building, and/or supervisory relationships. The goal of reflection is to elevate confidence, competence, and quality in all systems of support for young children and families.

Learning outcomes include exploration of:

  • Defining what reflection, reflective functioning and reflective practices are.
  • Understanding the variety of reflective frameworks and cycles, these include some of their similarities and differences.
  • Applying the foundations of regulation, relationship, mindfulness, consultative stance, and professional “lenses” into your reflective practices.
  • Integrating the awareness of feelings/emotions, needs, values, perceptions, beliefs, biases, and the power of a question are the reflective process.
  • Developing a “kaleidoscope” of reflective facilitation, consultation and/or supervision in your early childhood work.

Dana CoxDana has worked in the field of child health and development for more than 35 years, as both a nurse and early childhood special educator, working for 15 years as an early interventionist. She has worked in adult education for most of her career, developing curriculum for pediatric nursing, early childhood, and special education, and serving as an instructor, mentor, and coach. She currently works for WestEd serving both the Supporting Inclusive Early Education (Beginning Together and California Teaching Pyramid) and Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Network projects.

Dana is a continuous learner of reflective practices including participating in the Napa Infant Parent Mental Health Fellowship (2010-11), the first Napa Reflective Supervision, Consultation and Facilitation Academy (2015-16), the Neurosequential Model of Reflection and Supervision (2022-23), the FAN (Facilitating Attuned Interactions) Model. She participated in yearlong Mindful Teacher certification course with the Mindful Schools (2021). She is a parent of 3 adults, including an identical twin son with cerebral palsy, and a 3-year-old grandson.

Nonmember: $55
IDA Agency/Individual Member: $40
IDA Parent/Student/New Clinician Member: $30

IDA CE Hours: Nursing, PT, Speech and Language $15
CDI CE Hours: LCSW, LMFT, LEP, LPCC (you will be invoiced)
Approved for Early Start provider training reimbursement through DDS.

ADA Requests: Contact IDA @ [email protected] with ADA request by July 1, 2023

Limited number of scholarships available

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