Infant Development Association of California
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Family Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Observation
Friday, April 19, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Events

Small ChildFamily Centered Success Through Coaching Mastery: Observation

with Stacey Landberg, MS, SLP/L
Friday, April 19, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm | Virtual Event

Must Attend Event Live! Recording will not be available
Regardless of where you currently stand in your early intervention journey, we are excited to have you join us in the process of learning and honing your application of coaching strategies. During this event we will delve deeply into one specific coaching strategy: Observation.

We will focus on improving our ability to successfully implement this strategy through discussion, lecture, and video modeling. Participants will understand the value of information sharing and how to effectively employ this strategy with families.

Stacey Landberg, MS, SLP/L
Stacey is a thought-leader, an early interventionist, a speech-language pathologist, and an international guest speaker. Stacey has spent 18+ years working with families through early intervention home-visiting across Los Angeles. She collaborates with researchers in order to disseminate evidence related to family-centered practice. Stacey has trained E.I. providers, agencies, regional centers, and COEs on early intervention topics since 2015.

Non-Member: $30
IDA Agency/Individual Member: $20
IDA Parent/Student/New Clinician Member: $15

ADA Requests: Contact IDA @ [email protected]
with ADA request by April 1, 2024

Once Registered, you will receive a short video (in confirmation) regarding what to expect in the upcoming April Event.

Register Today
Save the Date for more coaching topics with Stacey!
May 17 and June 7