Dear IDA Members and Colleagues,

2024 is already down for offering the Early Intervention field a variety of challenges. To gain information on current issues at the Federal, State and County level please plan on attending the upcoming virtual 9th Annual IDA Policy Update, Monday January 22, 2024 from 8:30-12:30PM. Register HERE

Also, note the joint training opportunity with the Exceptional Family Resource Network for Parents and Professionals

Leadership and Advocacy Training for E.I. Professionals and Parents
Free 4 Sessions Online
January 9/16/23/30, 2024
Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm
Spanish Translation Available
These trainings are FREE for E.I. Professionals and Parents
More Information | Register Today

The CA. State Interagency Coordinating Council is meeting hybrid January 18 and 19, 2024 at 2241 Harvard St., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815. Check website for Zoom link - State Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) on Early Intervention Overview - CA Department of Developmental Services : CA Department of Developmental Service

Please try and learn the EI issues, think about possible options and potential steps to address them by participating in these conversations.

OSEP and Transition:

The Office for Special Education Programs (OSEP) of the Department of Education issued a policy letter (3/17/23) in response to a request for clarification on the requirements for ensuring smooth transitions from Part C. OSEP’s Policy Letter to Jennifer Nix clarifies the requirements and responsibilities of State lead agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs) and State educational agencies (SEAs) for ensuring eligible children with disabilities receiving early intervention services under IDEA Part C experience a smooth and effective transition to receiving preschool services under IDEA Part B. Letter to Nix addresses early childhood transition requirements related to transition plan, transition notification, transition conference, referral and late referrals, and reporting responsibilities.

OSEP Policy letter | ECE questions

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) continues to offer a training stipend for Direct Service Professionals (DSPs). Under this program, DSPs can get paid up to $1,250 (before taxes) for completing two hours of approved online training, prior to June 30, 2024.
DDS requests your assistance with promoting this program so that qualified DSPs can take advantage of this opportunity to get paid while they enhance their professional development.

Please help promote this opportunity by sharing these flyers with your networks and with DSPs.
English Version | Spanish Version

We also encourage you to share information about and attend these webinars:
Overview of DDS’s Workforce Initiatives
Date: January 9, 2024 – 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Audience: Regional centers, providers, community partners and DSPs

Overview of DSP Training Stipend Program
Date: January 18, 2024 – 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Audience: DSPs
Paying Family Caregivers: State Options, Limitations, and Policy Considerations
Despite the growing popularity of paying family members to provide care, many states are reluctant to authorize payment, citing a variety of reasons. A new issue brief from the National Health Law Program summarizes the various considerations that states must address to expand policy options for compensating family members. Read the issue brief.

Engaging Community Members: A Guide to Equitable Compensation
As demand for partnerships with stakeholders grows among health care agencies and organizations, the Center for Health Care Strategies notes that compensation is essential for sustaining these relationships, and offers guidance to develop appropriate compensation practices for community members. Read more.
Also see:  Standards of Compensation for Youth, Family, & Patient Research Partners - from the CYSHCN Research Network

The Valley Mountain Regional Center Family Wellness Project
Helping families thrive together! Free counseling for families of children 0-5. We also offer free parent support groups and trainings for families of all ages, with free food! Click this link for more information:
Scan this QR code to help us advocate for this project to be available to the entire state!

QR - Family Wellness

Fran Chasen and Annie Cox
IDA Policy Committee Co-Chairs